Olga with dog, Krakow circa 1936

Courtesy of Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe; National Digital Archive of Poland.

Erteszek Family, Jakub (Jan) at far right, Krakow, circa 1923

Apartment of the Erteszek’s, pre 1940s

Otylia (Olga) in Zacopane mountain resort 1934

Jakub at right of unknown tall man. Location unknown, circa 1930s

Naturalization papers | Jan Erteszek

Naturalization papers | Jan Erteszek

Naturalization papers | Olga Erteszek

Naturalization papers | Olga Erteszek

First Congregationalist Church of Los Angeles

Olga in Los Angeles near Bullocks Wilshire, circa 1955

Olga, Christina, and Jan Erteszek

Christina and Olga Erteszek

Family portrait

Olga and daughters

Olga Erteszek and daughters Victoria and Christina

Family photos with Mary’s husband Cecil Scarbrough and dog Collette 1967

Christina and Hunter for Olga’s Christina hangtag 1985